As always when I haven't posted for a while - much has happened! I've become a grandmother, moved to Queenstown and become a resident artist since my last post! So - most important news first. Grandmother status. Yes, the world's most adorable little girl has arrived to remove my grandmother-less state. Rose is a treasure, sadly living on the other side of the planet, but hey, that's what airplanes are for!

We were very fortunate to be able to visit this little miracle for a few weeks and gathered up all the cuddles we could for a while! What a great age to live in, with Skype and instant photo exchanges. This means that even though we are far away we won't be strangers when we meet again. Yay for technology (when it behaves)!
Next of course is the shift to Queenstown. What an amazing privilege. Beauty all around and wonderfully warm people. As always moving to a new place is dis-orienting for a bit, but we have met great neighbors, and have made quite a few friends. Fortunately there is a strong artistic community here.
The Queenstown Arts Centre in town had recently had a resident artist move out, and the spot was offered to me by a fellow quilt friend who is also one of the tenants. This provides me a small but serviceable office in town where I can go to create my quilts and interact with a motivated group of artists. Yes quilting is art.
The attached gallery and class-rooms creates great potential!
The Queenstown Arts Centre in town had recently had a resident artist move out, and the spot was offered to me by a fellow quilt friend who is also one of the tenants. This provides me a small but serviceable office in town where I can go to create my quilts and interact with a motivated group of artists. Yes quilting is art.
The attached gallery and class-rooms creates great potential!