Clarity words:
What is this quilt? A simple fabric based object. It requires no complex chemical systems to exist, it can't repair itself and if left with another quilt won't reproduce.
Yet not one rational person would say that this quilt happened as an act of random chance. Anyone can see that in this simple quilt there is order and design that required a creative process. This quilt had a creator.
Now we come to the material point (pun intended). A major component of this quilt is cotton fibres. At the atomic level these fibres are formed by complex configurations of proteins which are made up of an even more complex arrangement of amino acids and sugars.
The plants producing these fibres are self-replicating, self-repairing adaptive and contain enough intricate chemical and structural information to fill many books. So why is it that the average person looks at a quilt and thinks MADE BY SOMEONE but considers cotton fibres and thinks JUST HAPPENED? That's like looking at a paper airplane and saying MADE BY SOMEONE then looking at a 747 and saying JUST HAPPENED.
Complex design does not happen by random chance no matter how many millions of years are stirred into the mix. If my fabric stash spontaneously turns into a perfect copy of this quilt, I will buy into the religion of evolution Ps. 14a The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
What is this quilt? A simple fabric based object. It requires no complex chemical systems to exist, it can't repair itself and if left with another quilt won't reproduce.
Yet not one rational person would say that this quilt happened as an act of random chance. Anyone can see that in this simple quilt there is order and design that required a creative process. This quilt had a creator.
Now we come to the material point (pun intended). A major component of this quilt is cotton fibres. At the atomic level these fibres are formed by complex configurations of proteins which are made up of an even more complex arrangement of amino acids and sugars.
The plants producing these fibres are self-replicating, self-repairing adaptive and contain enough intricate chemical and structural information to fill many books. So why is it that the average person looks at a quilt and thinks MADE BY SOMEONE but considers cotton fibres and thinks JUST HAPPENED? That's like looking at a paper airplane and saying MADE BY SOMEONE then looking at a 747 and saying JUST HAPPENED.
Complex design does not happen by random chance no matter how many millions of years are stirred into the mix. If my fabric stash spontaneously turns into a perfect copy of this quilt, I will buy into the religion of evolution Ps. 14a The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.