Image courtesy of Stewart Miles/
Dont' hide from this fever...FACE IT!
As with any fever, there has to be a reason. Unlike most fevers, this one tends to be of a long duration, and in some cases quite irreversible. This quiz is a rare chance to check your symptoms and catch a gimpse of the sort of expectations you may have for your future. Most quilters are unaware of the help that is available until much too late. |
Do you have quilt fever? Take the FREE quilt fever quiz.
This simple test will help you determine the seriousness of your symptoms. * KEEP NOTE OF HOW MANY OF THE ANSWERS YOU ANSWER YES TO...
1. Have you ever bought quilt fabric just because you love it, without a specific project in mind then avoid using it because you don’t want to actually cut it up?
2. Do you find yourself doodling new quilt ideas on bits of paper-even though you have other projects on the go?
3. Is quilt fabric in your home stashed in places not originally intended for fabric storage?
4. Do you tend to minimize the amount you have spent on quilt fabric to friends and family?
5. Do you find yourself ignoring necessary jobs -laundry, dishes, meal preparation- in order to finish a quilt project? (For instance delegating these jobs to a hapless husband.)
6. Have you ever purchased a quilt gadget that you have no idea how to use?
7. Is there a magical box or drawer somewhere filled with thread of every colour, except the one you currently need?
8. Have family/friends ever called your hobby an obsession?
9. Do you have any quilts only partially finished, because you are waiting for that ‘perfect’ piece of fabric?
10. Is you favorite way of falling asleep planning the next quilt you want to make?
11. Do you look at the tag on shirts to see if they are 100 percent cotton before purchasing them…not for fear of ironing, but so they can be scavenged later?
12. Does your family have to eat with a plate balanced on their knee because the kitchen table is occupied with quilting?
13. Have you or other family/friends ever stepped on a pin or needle lost in your carpet?
14. Have you gained weight from sitting at a sewing machine or in favorite chair quilting?
15. Do you find this list oddly comforting because you realize you are not alone?
If you answered yes to 1-5 questions: Mild case, still in incubation period. Not highly
contagious until further symptoms follow. Current symptoms are usually followed
by more visits to quilt shops, tendency to spend time with more advanced cases
and the occasional fabric splurge. Symptoms may not be obvious enough to others
to excite concern…yet.
If you answered yes to 5-10 questions: Moderate case, initial symptoms rarely abate.
Expect an increase in quilt production, followed by euphoric encounters with
sales tables. Somewhat contagious, at this stage friends may choose to avoid
contact. May begin experience flashes of insight for original designs.
If you answered yes to 11 or more: Extreme case, You are incurable. Anticipate
sustained financial hemorrhages, Highly contagious. You may experience
shortness of breath when encountering 100% cotton quilt fabric in discount
situations. Chocolate may mask symptoms temporarily when consumed in high
dosages. (It’s worth a try)
*Disclaimer- for personal use only not intended as a final diagnostic tool. For further clarification, please consult your local quilt shop owner or quilt guild. Quilt Fever accepts no responsibility for improper use of this quiz.
Do you have quilt fever? Take the FREE quilt fever quiz.
This simple test will help you determine the seriousness of your symptoms. * KEEP NOTE OF HOW MANY OF THE ANSWERS YOU ANSWER YES TO...
1. Have you ever bought quilt fabric just because you love it, without a specific project in mind then avoid using it because you don’t want to actually cut it up?
2. Do you find yourself doodling new quilt ideas on bits of paper-even though you have other projects on the go?
3. Is quilt fabric in your home stashed in places not originally intended for fabric storage?
4. Do you tend to minimize the amount you have spent on quilt fabric to friends and family?
5. Do you find yourself ignoring necessary jobs -laundry, dishes, meal preparation- in order to finish a quilt project? (For instance delegating these jobs to a hapless husband.)
6. Have you ever purchased a quilt gadget that you have no idea how to use?
7. Is there a magical box or drawer somewhere filled with thread of every colour, except the one you currently need?
8. Have family/friends ever called your hobby an obsession?
9. Do you have any quilts only partially finished, because you are waiting for that ‘perfect’ piece of fabric?
10. Is you favorite way of falling asleep planning the next quilt you want to make?
11. Do you look at the tag on shirts to see if they are 100 percent cotton before purchasing them…not for fear of ironing, but so they can be scavenged later?
12. Does your family have to eat with a plate balanced on their knee because the kitchen table is occupied with quilting?
13. Have you or other family/friends ever stepped on a pin or needle lost in your carpet?
14. Have you gained weight from sitting at a sewing machine or in favorite chair quilting?
15. Do you find this list oddly comforting because you realize you are not alone?
If you answered yes to 1-5 questions: Mild case, still in incubation period. Not highly
contagious until further symptoms follow. Current symptoms are usually followed
by more visits to quilt shops, tendency to spend time with more advanced cases
and the occasional fabric splurge. Symptoms may not be obvious enough to others
to excite concern…yet.
If you answered yes to 5-10 questions: Moderate case, initial symptoms rarely abate.
Expect an increase in quilt production, followed by euphoric encounters with
sales tables. Somewhat contagious, at this stage friends may choose to avoid
contact. May begin experience flashes of insight for original designs.
If you answered yes to 11 or more: Extreme case, You are incurable. Anticipate
sustained financial hemorrhages, Highly contagious. You may experience
shortness of breath when encountering 100% cotton quilt fabric in discount
situations. Chocolate may mask symptoms temporarily when consumed in high
dosages. (It’s worth a try)
*Disclaimer- for personal use only not intended as a final diagnostic tool. For further clarification, please consult your local quilt shop owner or quilt guild. Quilt Fever accepts no responsibility for improper use of this quiz.