One idea dominates for a while, then another seems more appealing. Soon the path I'm on bears NO resemblance to the simple original path. Every time a corner is turned new vistas open - more exciting than ever! Some of my all-time favourite quilts have begun with such accidental explorations.
Apparently (for some of us) the key to creativity is just starting down a path and allowing ourselves the liberty to take that side road, push through a few obstacles and find the hidden gem that was there all the time, waiting to be discovered.
This can devolve into getting lost and wandering aimlessly for a while, but usually there is some discovery at the end that makes the wandering worthwhile.
Today, I have not accomplished anything physical as far as a quilt goes. Nothing has been cut out, measured or sewn. Today I explored a new set of paths.
My path started simply enough, then ended with a research site in the UK. Just like that. My journey began with a mediocre idea, switched several times in one day from one idea to another, and now some stranger in the UK and I are connected. What a weird and wonderful world.
Two sets of materials had to be put away after they were pulled out and auditioned for this project, but now my mind is resting easy in the destination reached. I've found my secret happy spot on this path, and am ready to CREATE!!!